
Social Media Management Monday – 20130722

Welcome to this week’s Social Media Management Monday. First off today we have an article by Ryan Holmes, the founder of our favourite social media management program, HootSuite. This article was published in Inc. magazine, and lists Ryan’s favourite applications for running HootSuite in the early days when it was just a startup business. These apps are just as useful for any small business in any field.



 In the same vein is an article from TechRepublic listing their top five social media management tools. Not too surprising that they also have HootSuite listed.

 Tracking down the right social media management tool – TechRepublic

 Our main concern with a couple of their recommendations is the cost — they are out of reach of most small business owners, but are worth a look so that you can see what is available out there if you have the budget.

Another great article from TechRepublic lists some of the apps and programs that they recommend using in order to build up a social media management toolkit.

 Red Cross Digital Operations Center - Powered by Dell

Create a social media toolkit for better time management 

The trick here is to get yourself organised so that you are not spending all day online. Using HootSuite, you can schedule your posts in advance, but keeping a post calendar can help you to keep an eye on the larger picture and schedule your posts around specific periods, like EOFY sales, etc.

 Finally today in the list of articles about useful tools we have an article from Content Marketing Institute which lists their favourite management tools in a number of categories — well worth a read.

Manage Your Social Media Content with These Top Tools

Our recommendations, as well as HootSuite, are Google Alerts and Social Mention for monitoring your brand name and market, and RescueTime for time management.

 Speaking of brand management, we found an excellent article on social media crisis management from Portent:

Social media crisis management: Be sincere, and verify – Portent, Inc.

Our takeaway was this:

“My rule in a social media crisis: Apologize, but verify.

If your brand screws up:

  1. Remind yourself that you do not get to decide what an apology is. The audience does.
  2. Apologize sincerely and promptly.
  3. Start monitoring response sentiment.
  4. If you don’t see a recovery within hours, try again, with feeling.”

One of the biggest advantages of social media is also its biggest disadvantage — its vast reach and instant response.

If someone likes your brand they can praise your business and everyone gets to know about it instantly, but if they have a problem with your business the same thing applies, and they can reach thousands of online friends instantly. 

So you need to be on top of what people are saying about your business or brand online, and you need to be on top of it 24/7. Use tools like Google Alerts, SocialMention, etc, to keep up to date on who is saying what about you, and respond immediately. Social media management is all about staying on top of things, without spending all day online.

 Until next week, enjoy your week!

Terry Chadban

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