Our beliefs as a business are summarized by our Core Values, our Core Focus, and our Business Culture, detailed below. We strongly recommend that every business should also formulate Core Values, Core Focus and a Business Culture for their business, their staff and their potential customers, because it tends to attract the right people with similar beliefs, and also tends to repel the wrong people.
Core Values
Our Core values can be summed up by the H.E.A.R.T. philosophy — Honesty, Excellence, Accountability, Respect and Teamwork.
As a youth, our founder’s Grandmother taught him to
“Always say what you mean, and always mean what you say“.
This has stuck with him for nearly sixty years, he has tried to live his life by it, and now it is instilled into our business.
Core Focus
Our core focus is to help businesses grow and thrive, to make more profits with less work.
This is possible, but it requires thinking smarter, using systems, processes and tools instead of spending all day being ‘busy’, but not productive.
In 2021, we aim to help 100 startup businesses succeed, and 100 established, but stagnant, businesses to grow and thrive. Will you be one of our success stories for 2021?
We also believe in the U.S. Marines motto, “Leave no-one behind”. We will help anyone who asks for our help, whether they become a paying client or not, and we will work with them to help them succeed, not leave them behind.
If you ask us for advice, you will get honest, sometimes brutally honest, advice, but we promise to treat you with the respect that you deserve.
Our Business Culture
In line with our H.E.A.R.T. philosophy, we will treat our own staff, and you our client, with Honesty, we will always strive for Excellence, we will maintain Accountability towards you and your business, as well as ourselves, we will always treat you, your staff and our own staff, with Respect, and of course we strongly believe that work and business should be fun, so our Team and yours can enjoy their working day while still acting in a professional manner.