Book Review – Beyond The EMyth
“Beyond The EMyth” is the last in Michael E. Gerber’s best-selling EMyth trilogy, and the best. In my not so humble opinion, this book will quickly become the biggest selling business book of all time, so do yourself and your business a favour and buy it now!
Harcover and Kindle Versions
Beyond the E-Myth: The Evolution of an Enterprise: From a Company of One to a Company of 1,000!
Detailed Review
“Beyond The EMyth” by Michael E. Gerber is the final book in the EMyth trilogy, and by far the best in the series. While “The EMyth” and “The EMyth Revisited” were classics in their own right, some people found that they were too detailed, and hard to read and implement. Personally I have got a copy of “The EMyth Revisited” taking pride of place on my bookshelf, right beside Tim Ferriss’ seminal “4-Hour Workweek”, and these two books have changed and shaped my life.
For those of you who have just emerged from a cave, here are a few quick facts about Michael Gerber and his EMyth series:

- The mega-bestselling author of 28 ‘E-Myth’ books, in The New York Times™, Business Week, Inc. Magazine, FORTUNE, Forbes and Wired
- He has sold 5 Million copies of the E-Myth
- In 1995 the Wall Street Journal named the E-Myth the bestselling business book of all time
- Voted #1 business book by Inc. 500 CEOs
- Inc Magazine calls Michael “The World’s #1 Small Business Guru”
But even though he recently turned eighty, Michael Gerber wasn’t satisfied with the success of his first two books and the continued failure of small businesses, so he rewrote and simplified his EMyth model, and the result is a smaller, simplified, roadmap to success which anyone can follow, and as the subtitle says, take a solo business (what Michael calls a ‘Company of one’) to a company of ten, a hundred, or a thousand, as far as you want to take it. And it really is a roadmap, step one, step two, step three, etc, just what busy business people need.

Part I deals with setting up your business the right way, establishing your dreams, vision, purpose and mission for the business.
Part II goes into the process, and setting your business up like a franchise right from the start.
Part III goes into the implementation of your franchise business.
Part IV describes the management of the business, and Part V goes into scaling the business into an enterprise.
Each section is discussed in enough detail to explain exactly what you need to do, but not so much detail that you feel swamped.
A friend of ours, Dave Jenyns from Melbourne SEO Services, who also recently wrote a bestselling book called “Authority Content”, which we also recommend to business owners, was asked to help Michael with the promotion of the new book, and when Dave asked if we would like to help out we were honoured to be asked, and accepted right away. So we were privileged to be able to buy the book a week earlier than you guys, so we have already got a head start on you! 🙂
If you would like to hear just how passionate an eighty-year-old multimillionaire can get about his pet subject, have a listen to Australian Nathan Chan from Foundrr Magazine interviewing Michael recently.
If you would like a sneak peek of the book, Michael has graciously offered our readers a free preview of his book here.
But our advice is to go straight to Amazon and buy “Beyond The EMyth” in the hardcover book or Kindle version now, and get your business heading in the right direction. As we said earlier, this book is destined to be the number one best-selling business book of all time, and you owe it to yourself and your business to get a copy and start implementing the method now, to get your New Year 2017 off to a great start!
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