Image of cover of The 'Plenty of Clients' manual by Dov Gordon
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Dov Gordon Giveaway

One of our favourite marketing consultants is American Dov Gordon, because of his almost Aussie-like “tell it like it is” approach to marketing. Dov does not promote the newest ‘shiny new object’ like most other marketers, present company excluded of course, instead Dov promotes a down to earth workable approach to getting more and better clients for your business.

Image of cover of The 'Plenty of Clients' manual by Dov Gordon

For the last five years Dov has been selling his 95 page manual “The Plenty of Clients manual“, subtitled ‘How to systematically and consistently attract first rate clients’ for $US97 (about $AUS125) and at that price it is one of the best value guides in the market.


But Dov has agreed to give the manual away for free to our clients! I am not sure how long this will last before he comes to his senses and starts charging the full price again so get in quick just in case!   🙂




One of the primary steps that Dov and I agree fully on is getting your own head on straight about your business before you start to promote it. To quote Dov directly:


There’s one thing above all else that must be crystal clear. It’s the answers to:

Where are you going?

What’s your objective?

What do you want to accomplish?


Until you can answer those questions simply and clearly then you are not ready to start promoting your product or service. So do yourself a favour and get hold of Dov’s manual now, read it, digest it, and implement it! You will thank me later.


BTW, you are welcome to share this opportunity with any of your friends you think may benefit from the crazy offer too.

Terry Chadban

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