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Internet Usage Stats in 2018 (Infographic)

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Can you remember the last time you went a full day without accessing the Internet? Maybe you are one of those people that like to spend their holidays cut off from the digital world but if you are like the majority of the population, the thought of having no Internet access is annoying, verging on unacceptable. We have come to rely on our smartphones, tablets and laptops to do everyday things from our constant checks on social media to performing work tasks.

It is hardly surprising that Internet usage is at an all-time high and it does not feel like it is going to slow down at any point in the near future. There are now over 4 billion Internet users worldwide and 3.2 billion social media users. When you think of the estimated population of the world (around 7.5 billion) that is a large percentage of people actively using the Internet – over half of the whole world’s population.

The popularity of social media platforms like YouTube is increasing at a rapid rate. This infographic reveals that there are now over 1.5 billion YouTube users and Facebook has seen a 527 million increase in users over the past two years. The convenience of easily accessing social media through smartphones has resulted in much more people accessing the Internet this way with 91% of social media users now accessing through their mobile phones.

In the eCommerce sector, there has been a 13% increase in sales since 2016 and this is an area that will continue to grow. As more businesses develop eCommerce websites and users want to make purchases easier, online shopping is as easy as a couple of clicks.

Internet Statistics & Facts in 2018 [INFOGRAPHIC] - An Infographic from Top 10 Website Hosting

Published with permission from Top 10 Website Hosting


Terry Chadban

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