Restaurant Social Media And Word Of Mouth

Social Media Marketing Monday – 20130819

Welcome to this week’s Social Media Marketing Monday. First cab off the rank today is a great article from Social Media Examiner where they collected no less than sixteen social media marketing tips from sixteen seasoned social media professionals. There is bound to be a helpful hint in there for every small business.

16 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros | Social Media 

http://www.socialmediaexaminer.comTue, 13 Aug 2013 10:00:44 GMT

Social media marketing tips: Here’s what these social media experts recommend as the best marketing tactics worth doing today.

Restaurant social media and word of mouthOur favourite was this one:

“When it comes to social media, businesses should go deep, not broad. It’s better to become a master of one or two channels than flounder in many. When you look at social media channels, a good model is to break them into social platforms vs. social networking sites.”

Next we have a podcast from the same source, this time an interview with Ian Cleary from RazorSocial where he describes some of the tools he likes and uses every day to simplify his day-to-day social media campaigns. Most of them will be familiar to regular readers, but a few will be new, and worthwhile checking out. Definitely worth a listen. You can listen to the interview on the website, or through iTunes or your regular podcast program.

Social Media Tools, How to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing 

http://www.socialmediaexaminer.comFri, 09 Aug 2013 10:00:36 GMT

Social Media Marketing Podcast 53, in this episode Ian Cleary talks about the social media tools he uses to run his business and shares why.

Finally today we have an interview from The Guardian, where they interview Brian Pember from UPS and others about how they use social media marketing successfully in their businesses to generate leads and sales.

How do the best B2B marketers generate sales through social media?

http://www.theguardian.comWed, 07 Aug 2013 15:55:38 GMT

Social media marketing is not just for targeting consumers. B2B marketers are discovering they can engage with huge numbers of prospects by ‘humanising’ their brand through Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Iced tea at Georgia's, version 2

Our takeaway was this quote from Brian Pember:

“A long-held axiom of B2B marketing is that the best contacts are face-to-face meetings between a salesperson and a client. Pember agrees, but says: “People buy from people and nothing ever replaces a face-to-face conversation. But the business landscape simply doesn’t allow that conversation to happen on a global scale. Social media does.” He adds that social media are a great way to ‘humanise’ your brand”. 

 Hopefully there are a few little nuggets in there to help you with your social media marketing efforts this week.

Until next week, enjoy your week!

Terry Chadban

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